By Tuula Redditt
On Monday May 27th Brampton Talks TM Club held a Successful Champion Event as part of their Membership Drive. Conference Champion in the International Speech Contest, Aditi Bhardwaj presented a NEW speech to practice for her FUTURE world Champion Journey.
Her speech was called ‘It’s Gonna Be Okay’. Her life changing experience was shared with wonderful enthusiasm and she opened up our eyes how important our health and our lives are and not to take it for granted. Aditi left us with a message and quote by Burton Ross, ” If you start thinking of what you are doing is too important then YOU need a vacation.”
The Champion Event had a really great turnout of 23 members and visitors. Following this event we had 3 NEW members join the club and more are being recruited this month. Our Club Coach Brian Paton DTM has inspired our club to come up with our own slogan: “Empowering Voices, Expanding Minds”. We look forward to growing our club EVEN more reaching out globally as an ONLINE club. Please join us Monday evenings from 7:15-8:30 PM EST.
On behave of Brampton Talks TM Aditi was presented with an original sketch by member Tuula Redditt DTM:
By Tuula Redditt DTM VP Education for Brampton Talks TM 6623298 District 123, Area B23