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District 123 Procedures

The District has established procedures to ensure consistency and help guide District leaders from year to year. The procedures may be changed by either the District Executive Committee or the District Council.

Updated July 27, 2024

District Executive Committee and Council Meetings


  1. To effectively run District DEC and Council meetings in accourdiance with Parliamentary Procedures
  2. Outline specific tasks and responsibilities
  3. Define Rules of Order
  4. Inform members of their rights and responsibilities

Online Attendance

Equipment / Software
  1. The software used is Zoom
  2. Each attendee is responsible for: updating to the latest version, having a working camera, knowing how to use the raise hand feature, their own internet connection, and using the Zoom App (which provides better quality than the web version)
  3. No action shall be made invalid on the grounds related to of loss of or poor quality of a member connection
Voting Members
  1. All voting members shall identify themselves once entering the meeting with: DEC or Council Position or role in the meeting, and name
  2. Maintain audio and video presence throughout the meeting
  3. Mute their microphone when not speaking
  4. Wait until they are acknowledged before speaking; see interrupting a speaker
Forced Disconnections
  1. The chair may cause or ask for: the muting of a member, stop sharing of the screen, and disconnection of a member (If causing undue interference with the meeting or lack of video presence)
  2. The decision is subject to appeal made by any member
  3. The decision shall be announced during the meeting and recorded in the minutes
Features and Uses
  1. Chat – Once the meeting is called to order, the chat will be set to Host, and Co-hosts only. Host / Co-hosts shall be: Chair, Chat monitor, logistics manager, and Zoom managers(s). Credential(s) chairs shall be host/co-hosts for District Council meetings. No questions will be answered through chat and chat will be used for motions and to claim preference.
  2. Spotlight – shall be used to show the Chair (visible at all times) and member assigned to the floor
  3. Zoom Reactions – Raise hand to seek the floor and vote
  4. Screen Share – Sharing will be enabled for all participants. Participants shall ensure slides are brand-compliant and confirm that the share function works prior to displaying (no extra time will be given for technical issues)
  5. Poll – Used for secret ballots
  6. Live Stream – District Council meetings will be available to all members via live stream on the district website. The stream will only show the chair, and anyone assigned the floor
  7. Recording – A meeting may be recorded for District Use Only and shall not published or shared. No other attendee may record audio or video of the meeting. The following may review the recording: District Director, Administration Manager, District Parliamentarian and Toastmasters International as required.
  8. Video – All voting members must keep their video on during the meeting and be shown. Members online must be able to see the following at all times: the chair and all attendees
  9. Follow Host’s Video Order – The Zoom Manager will lock the following attendees in this order: In-Person meeting feed(s) and Chair
Seeking Recognition
  1. Raise hand (using zoom reactions) when wanting to speak, acknowledge by the Chair
  2. Once the floor is assigned, the chair/chat monitor will remove all reactions, and any queued chats will be cleared
  3. To claim preference, a member previously seeking recognition may promptly seek again
  4. When acknowledged, position, name and club# when required
Interrupting a Speaker
  1. A member who intends to make a motion that allows interrupting a speaker (ie. point of order, parliamentarian inquiry, point of information) shall use the raise hand feature, post the motion in chat to the Chair, and wait a sufficient amount of time (3 seconds) before attempting to interrupt the speaker by stating the motion.


Attendance and Quorum
  1. Roll Call will be conducted for DEC meetings after the meeting is called to order
  2. The Administration manager will call out each member of the DEC and ask if present, recording the response
  3. The chair will confirm the Quorum
Agenda and Support Material
  1. The proposed meetings for the upcoming year will be posted as events by July 1 on the district website
  2. The event shall include the date, time, venue, agenda and all material, Zoom link, location, registration, and any other information pertaining to the meeting
  3. A designated tab on the district website shall include all DEC and District Council meeting links
  4. The agenda will be approved at the start of the meeting. After acceptance, any changes require a vote of two-thirds cast in favour of to change or unanimous consent
Voting Members
  1. Voting members have up to one minute to ask a maximum of one question per report
  2. These rules may be suspended for an individual meeting by a two-thirds majority vote or unanimous consent
  3. Access to the District 123 Procedures shall be available to voting members at all times
  4. Any pending business or support documents shall be reviewed by voting members prior to the meeting
  1. Main Motions, including amendments, shall be submitted in writing To the District Director / Chair, Administration Manager, and District Parliamentarian (one email to all three) at least 14 days prior to the meeting and will be posted on the district website
  2. For any motions that may arise from the reports, unanimous consent may be used if the chair determines the motion shall be postponed. Any member can move to postpone.
  3. All motions shall be displayed by the Administration Manager during debate and vote
  1. The maximum time for debate per motion is 10 minutes, including amendments, unless two-thirds vote in favour or the chair recommends and receives approval by unanimous consent extended time
  2. Each speaker shall have a maximum of 2 minutes per debate
  3. The chair will alternate between those against and in favour
  4. The chair will alternate between online and in-person if applicable
  5. Only voting members can debate
  6. The Logistics Manager shall display a red signal when the maximum time is reached, and a vote will be called
Displaying of Motion
  1. The Administration Manager will display the motion the is being voted on
  1. DEC Meeting – Raise Hand
  2. Council Meeting – Zoom poll or by unanimous consent
  3. The Administration Manager will show the results to be announced by the Chair, including the number of votes for each side, and any action to be taken

In Person Attendance

Set Up
  1. The Chair, Administration Manager, and Parliamentarian shall be at a table at the front of the room
  2. A  lectern shall be set at the front of the room beside the table
  3. The Chair shall be able to see and be seen by all attendees
  1. All reports shall be delivered by in-person attendees from the lectern
  2. Reports shall be displayed by the Logistics Manager / Zoom master(s)
  3. The following attendees are permitted to be present both in-person and online for any meeting: the Chair, Administrative Manager, and Logistic Manager / Zoom Master(s)

Toastmasters Governing Documents



Parliamentary Authority

District 123 Annual Awards


  1. Recognize district achievements
  2. Recognize non-Toastmasters achievements


Club President of the Year
  1. This award is based on the performance of the Club President and their contributions to the development and growth of the individual members as reflected in the Distinguished Club Program.
  2. Basic qualification: A minimum of 4 club officers trained in each of the 2 training periods.
  3. On-time payment of dues with a minimum of 8 members of whom 3 must be renewals.
  4. While the Selection Committee considers the number of points earned during the year, additional factors such as exemplifying the Toastmaster values of Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence, are taken into consideration and play a major role in the decision.
Area Director of the Year
  1. This award is based on the Area performance and the Director’s individual contributions to that achievement. It will further reflect their dedication, commitment and leadership towards the achievement of club goals and District mission, as well as the factors shown.
  2. Basic qualification requires: Area Success Plan submitted on time and 75% of all club visit reports completed on time
Division Director of the Year
  1. This award is based on the Division performance and the Director’s individual contributions to that achievement. It will further reflect their dedication, commitment and leadership towards the achievement of club goals and District mission, as well as the factors shown.
Toastmasters of The year
  1. Awarded annually to a Toastmaster who best exemplifies Toastmasters International values in supporting the District mission. The Toastmaster of the Year will excel in a variety of communication, leadership, educational, marketing, and public relations activities.
  2. Current members of the District Executive Committee shall not be eligible for this award.
Community Service Award
  1. The District 123 Community Award is a prestigious award that may be given annually to a Toastmaster who has made outstanding contributions in the areas of communications and leadership.
  2. The purpose of the award is to honour a Toastmaster who has made substantial contributions in the areas of communications and leadership in his/her community.
  3. It shall be presented at the annual district conference
  4. The recipient shall be chosen by Feb 15 and announced Feb 21st
Exemplary Service Award
  1. This award is comparable to the George Keenan (District 60) or Douglas Barclay Award (District 86) awards.
  2. Awarded to a Past District Officer who continues to serve the District in various capacities, both visible and behind-the-scenes Promotes Toastmasters within the District and beyond.
  3. The last District Office held by the candidate must be a minimum of 3 years prior to the date the award is presented.
  4. While the selection committee considers the number of points earned, additional factors such as exemplifying the Toastmasters values of Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence, are taken into consideration and play a major role in the decision.
  5. It shall be presented at the annual district conference
  6. The recipient shall be chosen by Feb 15 and announced Feb 21st
Communication & Leadership Award
  1. District 123 Communication & Leadership Award is a prestigious award that may be given annually to a non-Toastmaster who has made outstanding contributions in the areas of communications and leadership.
  2. The purpose of the award is to honor a non-Toastmaster who has made substantial contributions in the areas of communications and leadership
  3. It shall be presented at the annual district conference
  4. The recipient shall be chosen by Feb 15 and announced Feb 21st 
Publicist of the Year Award
  1. This award recognizes publicity efforts by promoting Toastmasters throughout the year toward achieving the district mission. Several activities and accomplishments are categorically listed.
  2. For each category, check all the activities and accomplishments which apply to the candidate.


  1. The District 123 Awards Committee [Year of Awards] shall be chaired by a Past District Director or another past district leader appointed by the District Director, along with a minimum of four current or previous district leaders representing different divisions
  1. Each year’s awards will be chosen to represent accomplishments for the subsequent year. The committee will be called the “District 123 Awards Committee [Year of Awards] and such committee shall be automatically discharged at the autumn event at which the awards are presented.
  2. Nominations for all awards will be accepted from July 15th to August 31st of the immediately following Toastmasters year.

General Procedure

Nomination Forms
  1. Nomination forms for all awards shall be made publicly available at by July 1 of the year immediately following that for which they are applicable.
  1. Recipients shall be posted at, published in the district newsletter,  and announced on the district’s social media channels at least one the month before the day of the awards ceremony.
  1. Any protests against a recipient’s eligibility for an award shall be submitted to the all three members of the District Trio prior to the awards ceremony.
  2. The District Trio will review the contested recipient’s eligibility based on the rules for that award, and may at its sole discretion by majority vote rescind the award and / or ask the Awards Committee to select an eligible recipient.
Year End Award Name Club Area Div
2023 President Zack Dawood, DTM CGI Dynamic
2023 Area Director Bernadette Ambe D72
2023 Division Director Ray Lim D
2023 Toastmaster Alexandre Matte, DTM
2023 Community Service Dr. Joan Heels
2023 Exemplary Service Shukla Datta, DTM
2022 President Dhammika Perera Bowmanville Toastmasters
2022 Area Director Zack Dawood A41
2022 Division Director Claire Zheng A
2022 Toastmaster Tony Nelson, DTM
2022 Community Service Michelle Spear
Year End Award Name Info Website Club
2023 Community Service Dr. Joan Heels
2023 Exemplary Service Shukla Datta, DTM
2023 Communication & Leadership Bernice Carnegie Bernice Carnegie Legacy
2022 Community Service Michelle Spear
2022 Communication & Leadership Mike Shoreman Mike Shoreman Interview
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