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Speech Contests

Below are all the necessary materials to plan for a contest

Speech Contest District decision for Areas & Divisions for 2022-2023  

▸ In Areas where there are 4 or fewer clubs, clubs are allowed to send 2 contestants to the Area  contests 

▸ In Divisions where there are 4 or fewer Areas, Areas are allowed to send 2 contestants to the Division  contest

Check the Distinguished Program to see if your Area has 4 or fewer clubs or if your Division has 4 or fewer Areas.

Note:  The District structure is as per the 2022-2023 Distinguished Program. Clubs in “good standing” and contestants in “good standing” only affect whether a contestant can compete.

Speech Contest Schedule

Schedule Date/Time (EST 2023) Registration  
DISTRICT Register to attend District Contests!


Contest Winners

Division International Speech Evaluation

1. Hitesh Parmar

2. Jingyuan (Genie) Zhao

3. Cynthia Stott

1. Joan Heels

2. Thomas Ng

3. Laura Connor


1. Amparo Cifuentes

2. Wayne Tuttle

3. Joel Wilson

 1. Aditi Bhardwa

2. Kirk Maile

3. Siddharth Sharma


1. Shukla Datta

2. Jackie Chung

3. Courtney McLeod

1. Nikita Williams

2. Emily Chen


1. Mary Pomeroy-Brown

2. Vanessa He

3. Karyn Lau

1. Kavitha Karunakaran

2. Marilyn Latchford

3. Kaitlyn Pritchard

  1. Brian Stanton
  2. Maria Papaioannoy
  3. Jennifer Magee

1. Ken D. Scott

2. Darren Seryck

3. Mary Pomeroy-Brown


1. Geoff Smith

2. Reno Strano

3. Dalen Robbins McClintock


1. Ayesha Hussain

2. Serghei Spelciuc

3. Nabil Danial

1. Adrian Constantinescu

2. Rowan Faludi

3. Sue Faludi

  1. Trent Theroux
  2. Jacques Brunet
  3. Jagdish Sharma

1. Andrew Shuttleworth

2. Jacques Brunet

3. Lance Talbot


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